Bushi no Kondate

| Release: 2013
| Related post: Abacus and Sword
| Cast: Ueto Aya | Kora Kengo

Haru is Lady Tei's maid. After being married for a year, she was sent back because his husband's not happy with her outspoken attitude. One day, she encounters Kaga family's chef, Funaki, who's impressed by her broad's knowledge of cooking. He asks her to marry his son. So, Haru travels 15 days to Funaki's house in Kyoto to be bride once again.

However, Funaki's son, Yasunobu is not really happy for his father's effort. He's a great swordsman, but ends up inheriting his father's occupation as chef as replacement of his late big brother. So, Yasunobu works half assed. Slowly, Haru teaches him to refine his skill. For that, Yasunobu rises in promotion. 

I'm the kind of person who enjoy couple's fight. haha. But, no matter how rude Yasunobu is, Haru only takes him calmly. Somehow, she looks like treating him like a child. lol. Seriously, how do you expect to gain respect from your wife if you can't do your job well? I can't. But, Haru is obviously great wife. She always talks good of her husband. As he slowly improves, the talks turn reality. 

This is part of the series of samurai without sword. Remember the sweet story of Sakai Masato and Nakama Yukie last 2010? hmmm..

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