Because This is My First Life

| Air: 2017.10.09~ 2017.11.28
| Episodes: 16
| Cast: Lee Min-Ki | Jung So-Min | Esom
Ji Ho has been scriptwriter assistant for too long. She's 30 with no promising career and home. On the verge of desperation, her best friend lands her in a good apartment sharing contract. The owner is an eccentric IT engineer named Nam Se Hee who needs extra money to pay monthly house installment. The previous tenants couldn't meet his requirements, so he sets trial period before letting Ji Ho to use the vacant room in his house. 

To his surprise, Ji Ho fits his ideal housemate. The only problem is that she's a woman. It'd be problematic for a man and a woman living together without a relationship. At least, it will be complicated when See He's mother witness this.The mother has been pushing him to get married as he's already 38 yo. She even scares him by saying that his father would divorce her if she didn't get See He marry. 
See He was the first to come up with fake marriage idea with Ji Ho. They both get what they need from this arrangement. Se Hee stops his mother fussiness and Ji Ho gets a place to stay. Looks perfect, until they actually fall to each other.

Hmm, this synopsis above is a bit serious, ha? But, it's the draft of the whole show. But, it's not boring one. This series put a view of earlier millennials when facing life portrayed by 3 girls (Ji Ho, Ho Rang, and Soo Ji). Ji Ho has no solid plan for future work, letting the flow of luck wobbles her here and there. Ho Rang is desperate to get married. But, the boyfriend she's been raising for 7 years is not ready to take responsibility. Soo Ji is a strong and smart woman but working with stupid men. She's been lowering her standard and swallow her pride just to maintain harmony at work.
Sound familiar? I know right? They are types millennials facing right now. We want to stand to our ideal, but family, parents, tradition keep tiding us. If we want to do whatever we want they label us selfish. It seems like the right way is always those that please them. Well, the truth is we can't please everyone. So, I suggest to make yourself the first priority. It's not selfish, it's saving. If you keep yourself happy, you don't spread negativity to other. It's indirectly keeping others from worrying about you.
ZASK (english hardsub) | zeezee (english softsub)

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