Genkai Shuraku Kabushiki Kaisha

| English: The marginal Village Stock Company
| Aired: 2015.01.31 ~2015.02.28 
| Episode: 5 
| Cast: Sorimachi Takashi |Matsuoka Mayu | Tanihara Shosuke

Oochi Miho is the youngest person in Tomarimura. Her mother passed away and the father ran from house when she was 7. The village is full of elderly and they are suffering lack of prosperity. When Miho’s grandfather gone because of heart attack, the girl decides to take over his organic vegetable field. But, the labor work is too much for woman.
Out of nowhere, Miho’s father, Masato, returns and decides to continue the family business. It was him who proposed organic planting to the late grandfather, but left half-way. However, the village still have financial problem. A management consultant named Takigawa offers Miho a hand to manage the village agriculture potency. Can the village survive?

This theme of village dying is nothing new for me, remember Ama-chan or Osozaki no Himawari? It’s understandable how young people are attracted to cities because there are not many living choices in the village. Plus, even if they remain, they barely get better life. Youngsters can’t take modesty easily, right? 

Even if they are educated outside the poor village, they hardly return to develop their hometown. I’m speaking about me (but, I was born on small town with growing number of population each year). Still, lots people going out and get degree, but not using their knowledge for the place they grew up. It simply happens because less development coming to rural related to lack of job vacancy. And we’re all need to eat, right?

Check nyaa (hardsubbed by Heiwa) | bigbug | doramax264

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