
| Aired: 2015.01.09 starts
| Episode:
| Cast: Anne | Hasegawa Hiroki | Nakajima Yuto

Yoriko was never intended to get married. She’s woman with brain who hardly think that marriage is the only think that create happiness for a woman. But, after considering her father’s feeling, she decides to join a dating service and chooses someone to date. However, the guy fits her criteria is a NEET who has never participating in community before. The two awkward people met and agree that they’re match for a marriage.

The number of people considering marriage has been decreasing rapidly in past few years. The women reach higher career level, giving them financial security so they don’t need to rely on man as breadwinner. This has everything to do with the higher education level women take, so they are now take more power to their live more than before. People with intelligence tend to have variety of choices on how to live.

Don’t forget the rising number of divorce and losing grip of kids? More and more children turn into hikikomori, jobless, or even other deviant behaviour. In economic view, these situations are cost for the family, right? So, if you think that single women are unattractive that they can’t get married, think again. Perhaps, it’s a choice. Is it worth the burden?

National Institute of Population and Social Security Research of Japan found reasons people avoiding marriage as below (article here ).
  1. 46.2% of men and 51.3% of women: “cannot meet a suitable partner.”
  2. 31.2% of men and 30.4% of women: “don’t feel the necessity.”
  3. 30.3% of men and 16.5% of women: “do not have enough money.” (Here’s where men differed the most for obvious reasons and a poor economy.)
  4. 25.5% of men and 31.1% of women: “do not want to lose freedom or comfort.” (This is where women rated higher due to conflict with career ambitions for them.)

The bad side of this situation is the declining birth rate. According to Japan’s Health Minister there’s only 1.001.000 babies were born on 2014. It’s 9.000 less than 2013’s.
 I think both marrying and staying single is okay as long as you’re happy. If you’re married just to show off (you might end up misfortune), I think you’re hurting yourself. Marriage people around me are complaining about their family all the time, even though we’re not so close. They often make their family as excuse to skip job. Lame! Sometimes (if not all the time), they keep pushing singles to get married. But, on the other hand they envy the single for having to keep the money for them. Is a marriage turn person stupid? I have no idea.

Anyway check plotboxes | doramax264 | bigbug

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