Kazoku Gari

| Aired: 2014.07.04 ~ 2014.09.10
| Episode: 10
| Cast: Matsuyuki Yasuko | Ito Atsushi | Kitayama Hiromitsu | Mizuno Miki | Endo Kenichi | Hiraoka Yuta

3 families found dead in different areas of Tokyo. They're not physically connected but their death methods are similar: parents killed by a child who's then prosecute himself. They were depressive families with more depressing child.

The police found they have the same phone number in their address book. The numbers belong to Hizaki Yuko (35), a social worker. She's always aggressive in dealing with parents doing Domestic Violence. Ironically, her own family is not perfect, either. Her father is turning senile and the mother spends her days in pachinko parlor. It's depressing to come home to see her father taking her as elementary student or to face the mother that keeps blaming him for her miserable life. But, is Yuko really has anything to do with those family double suicides?
The beginning of first episode was so scary that I closed my player after 5 seconds. But, few days after that, I decided to try it again and I'm amazed. This kind of story fits any behavioral scientists, psychologist or psychiatrist. How can a family turns so wrong that rotten the soul of its member? If it is so painful to be together, why bothered making family, then? This is where I come to conclusion that just because someone is getting married and making family, it doesn't mean that she/he is happy.

And I know it's hard to push away the bad things caused by your family. It's like you're stuck with them just because you share the same blood. It's easy to say no to stranger, friend or colleague, but not with a family. They bound you physically and emotionally. Now, I make it sounds like having family is really bad idea. Not really, if you cultivate healthy relationship with sharing responsibilities (if there's only one person burden, then he/she would be too stressed); good communication ( exchanging praise, real praise  I mean. Do you know how parents stop saying good things about their kids when the kids grow? They think without them the kids will stay, but they are wrong. As soon as the kids strong enough, they'll look another place with rainbow. After all, we are all need praise for the rest of our life, especially from family. It's the people who should think best of us, right?) and most of the thing is never treat yourself better than your kids/parents (family is like a volleyball members. They can achieve victory if everyone play their part. If a spiker failed spiking ball, then the libero should save it and bounce it to setter so he can toss again to spiker. Family is a group game)

english sub by sky fish

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