Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger

| Aired: 2013-2014
| Episode: 48
| Cast: Ryusei Ryo | Saito Syuusuke | Kinjo Yamato | Akihisa Shiono | Konno Ayuri
| Related post: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Returns: 100 years after

Failed of taking over earth thousands years ago, Deboss Army is now back with new plan. 5 brave young men are gathered to fight the villain under the command of monstrous yet divine creature, Torin.
Kiryu Daigo, the sentai leader, is hot guy with high justice. Ian Yorkland,Kyoryu Black, used to travel all around the world learning archeology. Nossan (Udo Nobuharu), Kyoryu Blue, is super strong who always says super lame gag. Yuuzuki Amy, Kyoryu Pink, is a tomboyish rich girl. And Rippukan Souji, Kyoryu Green, is the heir of sword school.

I crown this as the second best super sentai series after Gokaiger. The casts are amazing and fresh. The story flows nice and under the certain direction. The villains are funny, especially Candellira and Luckiero who’s power is joy and happiness. Pretty much ironic, ha?Each character is revealed and described in brief yet comprehensive. When talking about Daigo, it’s the biggest mystery of this series. I wonder how he got so strong even without transforming into Kyoryu Red. It’d be revealed in the 3/4 of story later. Slow but sure.

Check overtime

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