Tokyo Tarareba Musume

| Air: 2017.01.18 starts
| Cast: Yoshitaka Yuriko | Eikura Nana | Oshima Yuko | Sakaguchi Kentaro

7 years ago, 3 best friends promised to get married before Tokyo Olympic. However, they're still singles today. When they gather to drink, they dream things differently if only they had done this or that. 

Hey, another wedding dreamer dorama! The fact they're still selling this means marriage is still a social goal in Japanese society nowadays. However, I think it's a different shade than the old time. Back then, the woman wished to get married to feel secure and fulfill her duty 'as a woman'. Today's woman wants to get married because they fail on work market battle. At least when they're married they can reach a 'life' goals. Everybody wants to taste an accomplishment feeling.

Well, I don't mind people thinking marriage can grant them happiness. But, happiness is not something given to you (by other people, or by any event). It's created from you. If you're not happy and enjoy yourself, no fortune can change your happiness level.


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