
Akiko never graduated from school and she’s seriously addicted to pachinko. As a mother, she never work and take care of her son, Shuhei. She even uses him to ask money from her relatives. Shuhei is not allowed to go to school and often left alone while Akiko have fun with her boyfriend for days.

Akiko is so bad that her parents and sister stop believing in Shuhei. They even live as homeless for years. 

OMG. This movie is based on the real incident of a teen killing his own grandparents in Saitama. Japan is really a sick country. But, I always salute how the film makers manage to bring this sick story into screen. They have guts.

Despite her addiction to gambling, I think Akiko depicts characteristic of most parents. Most parents want their children to do things for them: accompanying them, buying things for them, listening to whatever they say, be obedient. 

Parents think children own them for being born. Only normal people feed them, make sure children get education, and prepare them to fly on their own. But, Akiko ignores everything and skips to the part where her kids should payback. 

She’s sick, yet nobody tries to help her. Her family mad of her and they choose to abandon her. Gambling addict is a clear symptom that someone needs help. Yet, all they can remember is how she lies to get money. 

 Release 2020.11.03 (Netflix)

Cast  Nagasawa Masami | Okudaira Daiken | Abe Sadao | Kaho | Gunji Sho

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