Donten Ni Warau

| Release: 2018.03.21
| Cast: Fukushi Sota | Kiriyama Renn | Furukawa Yuki

It was on Meiji Restoration era, 1868. Kumo brothers are 3 young boys managing Kumo Shrine. Kumo Tenka, the oldest, used to be the captain of Yamainu Squad and now serves as the 14th head priest. The Kumo brothers often help police to take care of troublemakers and escort those criminals to isolated prison in the middle of Biwa Lake. The prison also holds Fuma ninja’s head who wished to revive Orochi (demon spirit). Slowly he gathers support to bring back the demon.  If he did return, it surely leads to calamity.
Never give Fukushi Sota a smiling role! He sucks. He was okay in Bleach, but this is annoying. To be honest, I haven’t finished watching it, even though I can’t wait to see Renn. Ah, such a disappointment.
The story is pretty simple actually: a group of people want to return to their old time. However, the editing is a bit confusing. It seems like they're having trouble to simplify the long story into less than 2 hour movie. It's not the best way to motivate me watching the anime.


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