Tsuna Hiichatta

| Release: 2012
| Cast: Inoue Mao | Tamayama Tetsuji | Watanabe Naomi

Nishikawa Chiaki is public relations officer in Oita City ward. After making various lame commercial to promote the city, the Mayor realizes they need something unique. He assigns Chiaki to form female tug-of-war team and join the national championship. Oita city used to have strong housewives team who won international championship for 3 years in a row.

Thus, Chiaki recruits school cafeteria ladies who're going to lose their jobs when the mayor closed the canteen. The mayor promises to consider those women' profession if they managed to win the competition.

Chiaki now has to join the team to complete 8-member unit. She's also mandated as captain and eagerly working out to boost her stamina. However, the housewives encounters various family issues that keep them from coming to regular practice.Seeing how these women took the practice half-assess, Chiaki turns mad!

Every team faces up-turn development, not only in sport team, but also in our everyday working environment. It happens because everyone possesses different goal and priorities. To be able to shape and build shared goal is challenge for every leader. 
When it comes to people with family, the challenge is increasing. Normal family people would put their family first, right? 

The other interesting part of this movie is love plots between Chiaki -the coach, Kimio (plus Mika) and Reiko -the dog guy. Gosh my favorite part is when Kimio takes Chiaki's picture secretly. OMG.

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