Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger

| Aired: 2011-2012
| Episode:51
| Cast: Ozawa Ryota | Yamada Yuki | Ichimichi Mao | Shimizu Kazuki | Koike Yui | Ikeda Junya

Earth faces the greatest crisis as Space Empire Zangyack tries to take over the entire galaxy. 34 super sentai got to face to face with the colonialist but ending to lost their power. The powers are preserved in keys that now are used by pirates team lead by Captain Marvelous. By using each key, they can summon the power of super sentai.

Today, they begin investigating earth to seek for treasure. While looking for the precious, they have to compete with Zangyack’s exploration. Before they realize it, they become the protector of earth.

This is my favorite sentai ever. Not only because they can transform into any previous super sentai, but also because their motive was not to defend earth from the beginning. They don't try to be cool, and that what makes them amazing.

check over time | tv nihon (HD/SD) | krdl (OT/TVN)

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