Mop Girl

| Aired: 2007
| Rating: 10.2%
| Episode: 10
| OST: Destination Nowhere ~ ERIKA
| Cast: Kitagawa Keiko | Tanihara Shousuke | Takaoka Sousuke | Asami Reina

This is a story about a clumsy girl named Hasegawa Momoko. To pursue her dream as wedding planner, she left house and live alone. even though her family is a rich one that own successful hospital in the area. However, being a planner is tough for someone as clumsy as she's. It was only 6 months when she got her transfer to another branch, called little angels. This new office doesn't deal with wedding, instead they're giving funeral-related services.

On her first day as sage cleaner, Momoko faces the fact that her high school teacher was doing bank robbery until he got shot by authorities. She couldn't take it because that teacher was so kind to her. When Momoko touches his belongingness, she suddenly moves back to the past.

This is an ability she got when she was saved by a woman long time ago. With this, Momoko tries to create better future.

I only have two episodes because I wasn't so interested in Kitagawa Keiko. However, the story is quite funny and I can relate Momoko with my ability to be lost in city. Seriously, this Momoko girl is so forgetful. And this is where her supervisor, Otomo Shou, gets to help. He's a guy with ability to check the map and lead direction.

well, Momoko just prove that women can't read map and Otomo clarifies that men can't listen. XD

Grab it: doramax264

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