Stay With Me

| Air: 2016.12.11 s.d. 2017.01.02
| Episode: 39
| Cast: Joe Chen | Wang Kai | Kimi Qiao

Ling Long and D.U Corporation have been in competition for long. They're distinguished bridal designer companies in the country. Moreover, Li Weiwei, Ling Long's Chief designer and Chen Yidu, D.U's Chairman are always in bad terms whenever they meet. Little know that two of them used to date. The ugly separation turned them into hostile and vengeance individuals.
But, one day, Li Weiwei had an accident, causing her losing memory of the past 7 years, including her romantic relationship with Chen Yidu. She turns into her cheerful 23-year old self and beginner's mind of the bridal designer. This newbie Weiwei finds it hard to produce brilliant designs. Her unconscious mind incidentally recalls a partial memory about her last work and she announces as the new design of Ling Long. Unfortunately, she forgot that the design was a collaboration of her and Yidu, thus they promised to never publish it for profit gain. 
Weiwei apologizes to Yidu for her mistake. In return, he demands her to work at D.U for 2 weeks. Instead of creating new pieces, Weiwei is forced to do various menial works. This is bullying, but Weiwei finds every spot to counter and makes Yidu suffers. Though it seems like a battlefield for them, it's true that they have more opportunity to see each other every day. Could this be another chance for their romance? the typical work of Joe Chen. Not that I watch a lot of her series, but I always imagine her to be strong and funny. And she is.

All those bitter experience we encounter are what makes us what we are today. Every pain brings a lesson to stand new challenge. That's why 23-year old Weiwei is so different than the present her. She's been through and patches the wounds, yet she chooses to put her chin up. 

This is really a light funny drama, perfect for any tired soul.


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