Saving General Yang

| Release: 2013
| Cast : Adam Cheng | Ekin Cheng | Vic Chou | Wu Chun

General Yang is sent to front line to fight the Khitans. The commanding officer is Lord Pan who hold grudge toward the general because his son's accidentally killed the Yang's 7th son. So, when General Yang's army was cornered to Lone Wolf Mountain, he refuses to send reinforcement.
The 7 sons of General Yang are sent by their mother to rescue the old man. Although they manage to reach the mountain, they're actually fell into Khitan' trap. The Khitan's commander, Yelü Yuan has personal agenda killing the yangs as revenge after his father killed by General Yang 10 years ago.
The Yangs is short in number, but they still fight to bring their father home.

Gosh, this is such a bloody movie with some yawning I made here and there. It's weird, right? Considering there are so many handsome face and each plays amazing character. My favourite is the third son portrayed by Vic Chou, the quiet archer.
I love their strategy shooting oil with fire bows which cause great shocking damage to the Khitans. Kinda remind me of Mei Changsu's style, unexpected.

Although the popular cast line up, the story seems boring and the way they present it is just nothing special. Some hot guys stabbing and bleeding, that's all it is. If only they come with better cinematography....

found on itunes

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