Love me if you dare

| Air: 2015
| Episode: 24
| Cast: Wallace Huo | Sandra Ma | Wang Kai

Simon Bo (Bo Jinyan) is prodigy criminal psychologist from University of Maryland's. Returning from America, he serves as the adviser for the local police department. Although he's genius, he can't deal with people. Other than his best friend, Zi Yu who helps his daily supply, Bo hires Jian Yao (Jenny) as an assistant. Jian Yao is young but virtuous. She manages to cope with Bo's selfish and arrogant behavior. While investigating various sadistic cases, Bo realizes the one whom he really care.

Bo is typical low EQ genius which people labeled "eccentric". He doesn't care about people's feeling and, more importantly, he doesn't give a damn about how people think about him. Well, that's one happiness recipe. 
If you think unfriendly people doesn't get a friend, this proves your wrong. In fact, Bo gets the most trusted friend one could ever wish. Friendly people tend to attract a lot of people, but we can't be sure if they're coming with sincerity. On the other hand, harsh people who tend to push everybody is not easy to find people who understand them. But, once they do, they'll know those are having the real feeling.  
This Bo character reminds me Michael's Himura Hideo.They are both criminal psychologist/criminologist. They are also assisting police in cracking cases. They also have a Watson-like friend. But, somehow they look so different. While Bo appears as a handsome high-class man, Himura is the shabby side of a scholar. Hu hu.

But, my favorite characters are Zi Yu and Jian Yao's childhood friend, Li Xun Ran. Zi Yu is such motherly type who would do anything for Bo. I get the sense he likes being needed, but he's not the one without friends either. It seems like he really appreciates Bo's trust and treats him special. I like how he hardly complain when Bo asks him out at the last minute (Prof. Bo doesn't care whatever you're doing, just do what he says). Ugh, so cute.
Li Xun Ran is a police officer who helped Jian Yao through the traumatic childhood after her father was murdered. He's mature enough to never push Jian Yao to return his love. He even supports Jian Yao's romance. I know, he looks more like a brother than a boyfriend material to Jian Yao. Buuuuuuuuuuut, he's so charming. I might have a bias toward cute police character, but he fits my ideal. XD. Li Xun Ran is portrayed by rising actor named Wang Kai who also plays my favorite character in Nirvana In Fire. I'm gonna have to pay attention to this guy. 
Love Me if You Dare tickles my curiosity with a thrilling plot, amazing cast, and appropriate humor. And you know I can't resist anything related to psychology. Aaaaaah! Every episode makes me wondering what's next. Thank God it's fully subbed in Viki.
also available on sephiamemo

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