| English : Poison Berry in My Brain| Japanese: 脳内ポイズンベリー| Release: 2015.05.09| Cast: Maki Yoko | Nishijima Hidetoshi | Yoshida Yo | Kamiki Ryunosuke | Sakurada Hiyori | Furukawa Yuki | Asano Kazuyuki | Songha

Sakurai Ichiko is a 30 years old writer who had traumatic experience in love. But, she’s a crush on 23 years old part timer named Saotome Ryoichi. Ichiko had a lot arguing in her mind about whether to run or fight for new love.
Actually, deep inside her mind there are 5 voices debating what’s right choice to make. Each represents positive, negative, impulse, memory and decision. What moves will she make?
If we draw to classic psychology, it’s quite closer to Freud’s personality theory: id, ego and super ego. There’s part in our brain which drew to basic instinc, but it doesn’t always shown in our behavior because our brain makes adjustment. trauma, lesson learnt and anticipation bring our suspicious side, which might hold us back.
The other reason you have to watch this is the amazing cast list. Nishijima Hidetoshi is as handsome as always. Yoshida Yo's character is really apathy and she makes you uneasy. Kamiki Ryunosuke is really sparkling while posing as positive side of Ichiko's brain. I love him being so cheerful like this. His debate with Yoshida Yo (as positive vs negative) is amusing. Little Hiyori is so cute when she screams "Saotome Sukiiiii". She looks like fangirl. Veteran actor Asano san complete this little team with composure.
Furukawa Yuki is not on his prince aura and he yells a lot, which is really interesting. He looks great when he's posing various emotion. I'm pretty much sure that he should be banned from portraying cool guy. It locks his talent, avoid him from exploring his potency.