
| Release: 2014.11.01
| Cast: Takei Emi | Ohkura Tadayoshi | Nagayama Kento | Natsuna

Suzuki Saya must feel bad for working under elite boss, Tsuge Susumu. Everything she does is a mistake to him. Huh. But, that annoying boss asks her out one day. Saya can't believe it. However, she becomes curious and accept him.

Tsuge san doesn't smile. He also finds it hard to express his love to her. When their boss's sister suddenly become attracted to Tsuge, Saya explodes in jealousy. At the same time, Saya's first love, actor Hino Haruki is approaching her. The two wonder why they're together.

I watched Clover on long flight last week. It's hard because I couldn't stop screaming seeing Emi and Tachon. They're so sweet, despite of Tachon being super tsundere guy. Gosh, I can't stand a man like Tsuge san. He's so perfect, yet so sadist. Do you think Ta chon fits the role? He's a too-nice face, for me. But, Emi works well. This kind of happy, not-so-smart role is great for her. I like her smiling face.

Check dozchan666

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