| Release: 2014 
| Cast: Fujiwara Tatsuya | Yamada Takayuki | Ishihara Satomi | TAIGA | Ochiai Motoki
He was born with power to control anyone he sees. The super power turns him invisible, even his parents are afraid of him and call him “monster”. For someone like him, human is just toy. So he strayed his parents and lives alone using other people to satisfy his needs. However, one day he meets someone who despises his power. His perfect world is now ruined.
The man's name is Tanaka Shuichi. He’s just like the monster. Shuichi has ability to heal multiple times quicker than other human. Monster feels irritated to Shuichi’s existence and he tries to kill him. But, no matter method he uses, Shuichi always survives. 

Aaaaah, if only the monster just Shuichi slips away, he wouldn’t have been so tortured. Human’s ego, ha?

Can you imagine anyone playing monster’s role other than Fujiwara Tatsuya? I can’t. It seems like he’s born for crazy roles like that. And Yamada Takayuki! is adorable in the movie. When was the last time he played such sweet character? in Densha Otoko? Wow that’s like million years ago (no, to be exact: since 2006. lol). His interaction with Satomi is so sweet. I’m clearly convinced how much I like her. I know most people hate her recent roles in dramas (Shitsuren Chocolatier & Dear Sister), but that’s just a proof us of her good acting skill, right?

She can portray annoying girl, cool sweet lady and funny crazy woman. OMG, I love her.

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