| Aired: 2013.07.03 - 2013.09.18
| Episode: 12
| Cast: EXILE Shokichi | EXILE Naoto | Yamashita Kenjiro

Two friends, Natsuo and Wataru, reunite after 15 years, but fate is playing them off. Morishita Natsuo has taste the hardship of life after his parents left him and his sister when they were so little. Raised by relative, Natsuo is abused until he decided to escape from his hell. He thought he's lucky to meet Kogure san who let him work as manager of his bar. Even so, Natsuo still has to gain respect from his fellow colleagues. They've been treating him like a rat, ignoring his title as supervisor.
On the other hand, Wataru comes to the city to investigate Kogure's evil works. Wataru disguises as bar employee to get closer to Kogure. He's so happy to reunite with his old friend, Natsuo.

Natsuo is slowly drawn to a dilemma. For him, Kogure is his benefactor, but Wataru is the only friend he has. What should he do?

This is not the best drama ever, but it's so LDH. And most LDH drama only consists of some hot guys kicking each others' butts. Frenemy is actually had some plot, only not interesting. And they think adding some supernatural effect would give value added to the show. They're wrong. It only makes this weirder.
Still, I bet everyone just wants to see Sho and Naoto. XD
Still, I bet everyone just wants to see Sho and Naoto. XD