35 sai no Koukousei

| Aired: 2013.04.13~2013.06.22
| Episode: 11
| OST: Flower song ~ EXILE
| Cast: Yonekura Ryoko | Mizobata JunpeiSuda Masaki | Nomura Shuhei Hirose Alice
Reality of high school life today is full of bullying, depression, and other mental health problems. A new transfer student is assigned to fix the situation. Don’t worry she’s not just an ordinary student. She’s a 35 years old woman who wants to make 100 friends. 

Being different usually turns someone into object of bullying. But, what makes someone fall into this evil circle is not the difference condition, but it’s the weakness to accept the bullying itself. I mean, we’re all different in nature, but why there are bullying objects and non-bullying objects? Those who refuse to be bullied fight back. So what? you can not be friend with them? You won’t want to make friends with bullies!

I still can’t understand why mature woman like Baba Ayako disguises as transfer student. I mean, isn’t it too obvious? But, I think next story will reveal more about her and I hope they set sensible reason to push the scenario.

check nomanymore

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