Misaki No.1

| Aired: 2011.01.12 ~ 2011.03.16
| Episode: 10
| Rating: 10.5%
| OST: Nanika Hitotsu ~ Jamosa feat JAYED
| Cast: KARINA | Fujigaya Taisuke | Ohno Takuro | Kitayama Hiromitsu | Oomasa Aya 
The number 1 hostess in Roppongi Hills Club decides to quit her job and becomes a teacher. Though she's always the best at listening to her customers' whine, it takes time to deal with high schoolers. She's invited to teach a problematic class in Mido High School for 3 months by the head master. The principal believes her cheerful and persistent attitude will melt these kids.

I think we had enough of yankumi and her jersey. So, let's have cute KARINA with all her blinky pinky outfit. It hurts me at first, but she's cute so I forgive her. XD.
This dorama is also the first one when I saw Kisumai members and OMG Taipi had such a bad hair. Kitayama was not bad, though. 

check doramax264

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