| Alt title: Kuroshitsuji Live action
| Release: 2014.01.18
| Cast: Mizushima Hiro | Goriki Ayame | Shirota Yu | Yamamoto Hikaru | Yuka | Ohno Takuro

But, Sebastian is more than just a butler. He's actually demon who make contract to assist Shiori in her revenge. What actually happen to Shiori's past? How can Sebastian fulfill her wish?

When the first time I saw Sebastian's picture for this movie, it broke my heart. Though it is intended to be different from the manga, Sebastian character should remains, as he's immortal. Is being in year 2020 makes his hairstyle suck? And that style makes him look old? Okay, that makes a big dissatisfaction. I really wish they got (Matsushita) Yuya who had been playing Sebastian in Kuroshitsuji Musical for this role. But, no! they had to make it Mizushima Hiro, to grand his comeback *Do you think it will make people think he's indecisive after making such big commotion of retiring???hmm* I definitely has nothing against him. I don't hate him. But, I bet people understand that being cool is not for Hiro. He messes up with his whispering voice whenever he plays cool character (Kabuto, Mei chan no Shitsuji). On the other hand, I think he's brilliant in playing funny easy going character, like Nanba senpai (Hanakimi) or Maruo (Tokyo Dogs).

As for Goriki Ayame, yeah, we can't ask much. I think she's chosen because she's popular lately.
However, I love the cinematography of this movie. As you've read and seen from the manga and anime, Kuroshitsuji is dark beautiful realm. Director Otani Kentaro and Sato Keiichi are able to bring that aura into the movie. The action is not bad, as well.

So, I think this movie is great for those who never knew Kuroshitsuji manga, anime, or musical. I believe they can enjoy it. But, for us, the fans of the original series, it's like half-assed creation. or can I say "a cheap doujinshi from original manga"? hahaha. Why bother letting Shiori leading Ciel's tragedy? Why not presenting Ciel from the beginning? What happen to the 2 Phantomhive's workers? Maid Rin is surely not enough to light up that mansion.

* torrent with soft sub