Gakuaku Ganbo

| Aired: 2014.04.14 starts
| Eps: ?
| Cast: Ono Machiko | Kippei Shiina | Miura Shohei

"Being incompetent is a sin"
Kanzaki Kaoru dreamt of having her own restaurant with her boyfriend, Kazuma. But, they were swindled and there gone the installment money. Kazuma comes with the idea of stealing credit card. But, they soon get caught and rely on Koshimizu Business Consultant.
This company clears Kaoru's debt just to convert her debt to them for more interests. People from this consultant make money by doing dirty tricks. Sick of being used, Kaoru decides to join the company to pay her debt. However, instead of swindling people, she makes it so she can prevent people from being in debt to Koshimisu people.

I hate the idea.  It's so depressing to see how people can fall so deep in debt. Kaoru is really pitiful. To think that there's instant way of making money is just below my comprehension. You can't get things without losing things.

However, this drama is full of veteran actors. So, you can expect amazing acting. Aaaaah, I'm really in dilemma now. Should I continue this or not?

english sub by dramafever

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