Alice no Toge

| Aired: 2014.04.11 starts
| Episode:?
| Cast: Ueno Juri | Odagiri Joe | Nakamura Aoi | Iwaki Koichi
Mizuno Asumi is the new doctor in Seirin University Hospital. But, she's not an ordinary doctor. She has revenge mission. 15 years ago, her father was a doctor in the same hospital and he suddenly collapsed. He's already dead when they pull him out of operation room. Somebody sent a medical chart which is different than what the doctors passed her. Thus, Azumi learns the medical miscarriage on that operation. She decides to give those doctors good lesson.

This should be a thrilling story, but everything is spoiled from the first episode. This way, Mizuno character is not much mysterious than I expected. Also the jumping from scene to scene is not dramatic enough. I'm quite dissapoint of the first episode, but it's too early to drop this. This is Juri's drama after 3 years afterall (and no ikemen in the show. Tch)

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english sub by subie06

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