68-Year-Old New Employee

After 9 years retired, Niimoto Kazuo gets new chance to work again. He's invited to join his old company's new team. The boss is very young. She's only 28, yet she's burden with pressure to succeed. Despite being slow to catch the youngster's pace, Niimoto tries to ease the boss' stress.

I thought this is the remake of Anne Hathaway's The Intern. Although it has similar shade: where the veteran helps the young boss surviving, this one is more down to earth. It started with Niimoto's having post power syndrome attack. It can happen to both man and woman. However, in a culture where the woman stays home and man struggling power outside, it looks like man suffers more blows. You can see clear different from Niimoto and his wife. He sighs all day can't do anything, his wife has a list of fun things to do (yoga, cooking class, etc.). What makes this pain in the ass is that the people suffering PPS bugs other people, spread negativity around. haha. Better get a new hobby, right?

The idea man becoming breadwinner also become the focus of the boss' story. As a woman, she secretly humming to stay away from wicked office politics, just like his boyfriend Ryo who chooses to open a cafe. She thinks he's choosing the easy way. In this drama, they promote the idea that a woman is not expected to work outside. Harassment and bullying are waiting for that competent girl who can easily shift male domination. It's normal to be pricked for the way woman look instead of her performance. As the woman is easily feeling hurt, she often backs off. So, women not in the office are not the problem with performance, but the mental.

The most annoying thing is that male think marriage can save a woman. Well, most women still see it as an escape from their office life. But, it's not the way competent women play their cards, right?

Air  2018
Cast Takahata Mitsuki |  Kusakari Masao

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