Kurofuku Monogatari

| Aired: 2014.10.24 ~ 2014.12.12
| Episode: 8
| Cast: Nakajima Kento | Yamamoto Yusuke | Sasaki Nozomi

 Akira failed twice the entry exam at medical faculty. His parents keep pushing him to bea doctor so that he can continue managing the family hospital in the future. However, he’s done with all the pressure. Instead of going to prep school, he ends up fooling around. 
One day, he follows a beautiful girl to a night club called Juliet. It’s his first time attending hostess club and he never knew the cost is high. Filled with debt, Akira asks to be hired to pay the bill. He’s easily accepted, but living a night life is not as easy as he thought.
Aren’t we all kids like him? Dolls of our parents. When we were little, they steer us to follow any dream they have. However, as soon as children reach teenager, above 18, we become harder to  be commanded. We begin to have our own minds, goals, purposes, dreams. I really suggest parents to stop bugging their growing up kids. You had your chance for the last 18 years of your children’s life to brainwash them. 

I also feels pity on parents who put blind eyes to their children’s potency. If your kids can’t (in term of academic achievement) be something, stop pushing. it’s only bring desperation to both you and your children. I thought the parents’ ultimate goal is the children’s happiness? Why bringing them to the edge?

check big bugjpon | plotboxes

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