Gomen ne Seishun

| English: Sorry Youth!
| Aired: 2014.10.12 ~ 2014.12.21
| Episode:10
| OST: Itta janaika ~ Kanjani 8
| Cast : Nishikido Ryo | Mitsushima Hikari | Shirasu Jin | Koseki Yuta | Ryusei Ryo | Reina Triendl
| Related post: tumblr

The story revolves around merger planning between two neighbor private school. However, compounding all boys and all girls school together must cause various problem. So, Hara Heisuke from the boys school suggests to have 2 pilot project classes where each class consists of girls and boys. 
The boys are excited to meet the girls, thinking they'd be popular. However, these Catholic girls are not like what they expected. They're strong (well, I'm picking the nicest word here. They're actually harsh and rude) and arrogant. It's understandable because they have better academic achievement, while the boys seem like merely fooling around. Ugh. boys are  so lame!!!
Will they finally adapt to each other?

I never expect to fall in love with this series. I didn't like the main cast when they announced it. But, both Nishikido and Hikari are awesome. Nishikido being low tempered guy is the best and Hikari yelling around is really attractive. Both of the roles are completely different from their usual real life images in my head, though. 
What really surprise me is Shirasu Jin. He totally steals the spotlight. Damn, I can't stop making his gifs. The last time I saw him is in Biblia and he only got 10 seconds scene! So happy to have him in Gomen Ne Seishun. *Shipping him with Ando*

This series was granted some awards from 83rd Television Academy Award, including Best Drama; Best Leading Actor - Nishikido Ryo; Best Leading Actress - Mitsushima Hikari; and Best Script.

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